Re: [-empyre-] Fwd: ayo should go byo

some of the MOST SOUGHT EXOTIC DELICATESSEN for the very dirty minded whites 
are the M*U*L*A*T*A*S, beautiful women of mixed races ... i have seen this in 
brazil and cuba ... it is disgusting ... check these pages:


i met a young couple when i was in La Havana for a Digital Art Conference, 
lovely people, I thougth they were trying to get one of the participants in the 
conference to pay for sex ... i said to them "i am sorry COMRADES, i am a 
communist and i disapprove of this practice" ... this broke the ice and we sat 
down and chatted for a while, i read them the TAROT and they introduced me to 
their AUNTY, a beautiful-funny-extremelly-clever-Afro-Cuban lady of many, many, 
many TALENTS ... she "hated" this practice, of selling ones body for sex, and 
found it very bad for the young girls in particular ... 

Bundi and i became friends and I ended up in Guantanamo, where she actually 
lives ... yeap, that same Guantanamo that the amerikans should have had 
returned to Cuba in the year 2000 but DIDN'T, because the amerikans DO WHAT 
EVER THEY LIKE, or don't they? including going to CUBA to buy their beautiful 
girls for cheap sex ... women so BEAUTIFUL they could only dream of ... how sad 
it is if one has to buy people, for whatever the reason ...

cheers, claudia
Quoting Michael Arnold Mages <>:

> >By having this service where human 
> >beings are rented out, you are making blakc people seem like an 
> >exotic delicatessent for white people.  Blacks are made into an 
> >exihibit.  
> I think the most interesting thing in this entire response is that this
> respondent has "gotten it" without realizing that they "got it".  The shame
> of it is, that this line of thought was not followed on with "Hmmm... Where
> else have I seen blacks made into an 'exotic delicatessen' for whites?"
> Which leads me to another question--and this may be a grotesque
> generalization--it seems that this month has been fairly light; but damali's
> site gets >5 emails a day expressing (inarticulate) outrage, hostility,
> etcetera... It seems to me that those with polemic views have no problem
> sharing them. However, it seems to me that there is not a great amount of
> thoughtful discussion (in non-academic fora) about how race is a part of
> social discourse. Is it fear of giving offense that mutes considered
> conversation?
> -Michael
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